30 Days of Gratitude :: Day 1 – Favorite Food

My friend Stacey asked a group of us to participate with her in Positively Present‘s Zoom in on Gratitude Challenge. I’m so glad she did! Two of my goals for this year are to work on listing the things I’m grateful for each day and working on improving my photography skills. This challenge helps me meet both goals! I will try to post each day, but I already know of a few days where I won’t have access to a computer. Bear with me today as I post the first five days worth. (I’m getting started a little late. 🙂 )

Day 1: Favorite Food

Well, my favorite food is anything that involves chocolate and peanut butter together. Living in Austria means that I usually have to wait for a care package from home with some Reese’s in it to enjoy this delectable treat. But today, I got to eat this spoonful right after I took the picture. It’s a good day.

You can follow Stacey’s gratitude here: 5 Hunters

You can follow Melissa’s gratitude here: Das Leben der Lundquisten

You can follow Joanna’s gratitude here: Will & Joanna’s Blog

If you decide to join in the fun, please let me know so I can follow along.


  1. I’m gonna join in, too! 🙂 Starting today 🙂

  2. kleineklein says

    Oh, yeah! So glad you’re going to do it, too. 🙂

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