Project 52 | Week Eight: Perspective

008 {Perspective}

Project 52 | Week Four: Part of Me

004 {Part of Me}

Our family pictures are only complete when we take them at the ocean. We had the ashes of our precious Madeleine buried off this coast. This is the one place where we can all be together this side of heaven. My three loves are each a part of me.

004 {Part of Me}

Project 52 | Week Three: Light

003 Last {Light}

003 Last {Light}

In the Distance

As our life begins to settle, I’m finally finding more time to spend with my camera. Yay! This means I can start doing some of my favorite things again, like participating in the I Heart Faces monthly challenges. This month’s challenge is “In the Distance.” This photo is actually from a few months ago when my parents visited, but it’s one of my favorites because it has my three favorite people in it.

In the Distance


Check out the rest of the “In the Distance” photos here:


View from the Flakturm

The Haus des Meeres is located in one of the old Flaktuerme from World War II. You can walk around the balcony of the Flakturm and get a 360 degree view of Vienna. It’s kind of awesome.

Click on any picture to start slideshow.

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Happy New Year! Prosit Neujahr!

Click on any photo to start slideshow.

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